A course by Vicente García Fuentes

The secrets of the sky in watercolor: lights, color and atmosphere

Learn about the techniques that will allow you to paint the skies at different times of the day, with different weather moments and lights; sunsets, sunrises, foggy days, sunny days, storms and much more.

Total rating: 5 (24)people

352 students
In SpanishEn Español
Subtitles: EnglishIn English
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 59.95€.Current price is: 27.95€.
  • 1. Presentation. Prolegomena.
  • 2. Materials. Palette, pigments in tube. Brushes.
  • 3. Large Format. Importance of time and tools.
  • 4. Altocumulus.
  • 5. Warm glazes.
  • 6. Sky with pinkish tones.
  • 7. Basic notions of physics to understand color.
  • 8. Rain exercises.
  • 9. Evening exercises.
  • 10. Dawn.
  • 11. Intense sunset.
  • 12. Farewell.
  • Total lenght: 2h. 57' 20"

What we see or understand as the sky is nothing more than a part of the Earth’s atmosphere, which is a mixture of gaseous molecules, mostly nitrogen, a good part of oxygen and water vapor; in addition to other gases in less quantity and different suspended particles.

When daylight, sunrise, sunset, falls on the atmosphere and the materials that compose it, we can observe the most spectacular phenomena that nature can offer us.

Vicente García knows how to collect these impressions in landscapes full of life and expressiveness through watercolor on paper.

In this course, the author from La Mancha will show us all his experience performing different exercises that try to collect some of the most beautiful phenomena that can be seen in the sky, at different times, seasons and locations.

For almost 3 hours of videos they will offer us different exercises in which we can learn.

  • Materials, brushes, the paper, the color palette, other tools.
  • Glasses.
  • Working wet and dry.
  • Treatment of color and atmosphere to treat
    to understand how light works.
  • All this with easy and affordable explanations for all levels.
  • Work in large format
  • Representation of rain, fog, storms, a sunrise, a sunset…

Student comments

  1. sisco

    Realmente ha sido un curso muy interesante, por lo de pedagógico y cómodo de hacer. A pesar de ciertas dificultades técnicas, el profesor ha sabido hacerlo cómodo y motivador. Es el segundo curso que hago con BlurOne y estoy encantado de la decisión.

  2. enavidal

    Este curso me ha resultado muy interesante. Vicente te lo hace fácil. Un gran maestro
    He aprendido mucho

  3. Julia Gomez Rial

    Vicente es un pintor extraordinario y un gran pedagogo. El curso es fantástico. Muy claro y muy bien explicado. Realmente aprendo con sus demostraciones y comentarios. Estoy encantada con sus cursos.

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Purpose of the courses

During this course you will learn painting techniques and procedures in watercolor on paper to make spectacular landscapes with fundamental importance in the sky, at different times and weather situations.

Who these are for?

This course is aimed at artists or painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the watercolor technique, especially in landscape.


Personal computer or tablet to view the videos. It is also possible to use a smartphone, although we recommend larger screen sizes to better appreciate details.

As for the material to practice, paper, brushes, watercolors, pencil or mechanical pencil are recommended. The materials, we reiterate, are recommended. The tutorial can be done without all the materials or in formats other than those oriented in the video.

The important thing is to practice, practice and practice again the exercise proposed by the teacher.

Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.

About the artist

Vicente García Fuentes

Vicente García Fuentes

Vicente García Fuentes (Santa Cruz de la Zarza, Toledo). specialized in watercolor.

Vicente García has lived with painting all his life. He started painting classes at the age of 6 and has been trained in drawing, color, composition and technique with numerous painters.

Nordic landscapes abound in his work, where the ice and especially the sky and a very personal atmosphere, take on a fundamental importance that he usually works in the wet.

He has participated in numerous international teams and has exhibited in Iceland, the US, China, Italy, India, France, Vietnam and the Czech Republic.

In addition, for many years he has shared his passion for painting with teaching. He has taught watercolor courses in Norway, Madrid, Seville ...

He is currently a member of the IWS Spain Team (branch of the International Watercolor Society in Spain)