
PACK: Natural Landscapes

Two courses by the author: We paint landscapes from nature and
We paint landscapes from nature: Water reflections.

In SpanishEn Español
Subtitles: EnglishIn English
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 119.90€.Current price is: 49.95€.
  • Painting natural landscapesKnow all the steps to make a landscape in a natural environment from start to finish. Lenght: 3 horas 42 minutos
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  • Painting natural landscapes: Water reflectionsLearn and master how to make a natural landscape integrating vegetation, mountainous background, water and its reflections in your work from start to finish. Length: 3 horas y 10 minutos
    [+ info]

In this PACK of COURSES of NATURAL LANDSCAPE PAINTING with Fermín García Sevilla, throughout almost 7 hours of videos, with demonstrations and practical explanations step by step you will see:

COURSE I: We paint landscapes from nature:

  • Materials, brushes and other utensils.
  • The observation of the environment and the assessment of the nuances in the natural landscape.
  • Adaptation to different lights and shades depending on the time of day.
  • Application of the first stains.
  • Aerial perspective in the application of different landscape terms.
  • The tonal evaluation of lights and colors.
  • Representation of the atmosphere and space.
  • Modeling of shapes in nearby areas and details.

COURSE II: Water reflections

  • Materials, brushes, support, pigments and other utensils.
  • Observation of the environment, composition, importance of separating planes.
  • Light sources, transitions, values and tones.
  • Application of the first stains in acrylic and transition to oil.
  • Aerial perspective in the application of different landscape terms.
  • Cast shadows, color cast, horizon lines.
  • Volumes, harmonies and contrasts of light and shadow.
  • Details, changes, values and intensity.
  • Aquatic vegetation, shades of green and background treatment.


Awesome. A great teacher explaining how to capture the atmosphere in a landscape through light and color. A marvel of course and of course the painting. Portraying nature in a totally credible way with these different planes and that masterful light, demonstrates the quality of Maestro Fermín García Sevilla and working from a natural landscape. A masterful job. Thank you very much for your realization. Totally recommended for any painter who wants to learn to paint landscapes. Maica Silva.

I love the way he interprets the landscapes. Months ago I discovered Fermín’s paintings and since then I have been a faithful follower of his, having even attended a workshop given by him. His work seems magnificent to me and through spots he reaches an incredible realism with his volumes and lights. I highlight his simplicity and humility and except for Fermín, I believe that few painters teach everything they know without keeping anything in the inkwell. I am very happy to have been able to access this course. Congratulations. Soledad Simón.

A course that clarifies many things in relation to landscape painting. Wonderful explanations from Fermín, sharing his knowledge and experience as the great teacher that he is. I recommend it to advance in technique and solve many doubts. José Fele.

It is a fascinating course, as is Fermín: transparent, accessible, humble and kind when sharing his knowledge in a masterful way.
I have been lucky enough to attend a course with him and, whenever I can, I will continue to do so because without a doubt, you can learn a lot from him. Being able to get close to his painting, which you can breathe, feel, contemplate from end to end with pleasure and joy, is a dream. Painting nature as Fermín does is unique! Sublime! Big teacher! Eva García Banegas.

Fantastic, I am very grateful, I understood many concepts such as color, light, fade, atmosphere. Maestro Fermín explains everything very clearly. I am a big fan of him. I loved the result, I already want to go out into the field to carry out new works.
Many thanks to the whole team. Victoria Gutiérrez.

Purpose of the courses

During these courses you will learn to make a natural landscape from start to finish. Mastering the contrasts of light, shadows, atmosphere, color casting and tonal values, perspective, horizon lines, water reflections and their behavior, integration of vegetation and backgrounds. Step by step under the mastery of Fermín García Sevilla throughout almost 7 hours of explanations you will have all the tools to learn to create and master natural landscapes like a professional

Who these are for?

These courses are aimed at painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the field of watercolor landscape.



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Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.