A course by Francisco Castro

Painting a large format watercolor

Discover simple techniques and procedures that will allow you to face a large work synthesizing the forms, space and atmosphere

Total rating: 5 (36)people

364 students
In SpanishEn Español
Subtitles: EnglishIn English
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 59.95€.Current price is: 27.95€.
  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Materials and utensils
  • 3. Large format support
  • 4. First exercise. Garden corner I. Previous drawing and first stains.
  • 5. First exercise. Garden corner II.
  • 6. First exercise. Garden corner III.
  • 7. Second exercise. Snowy landscape I. Previous note.
  • 8. Second exercise. Snowy Landscape II. Previous drawing and first spots.
  • 9. Second exercise. Snowy landscape III.
  • 10. Farewell.
  • Total lenght: 3h. 30 '36 "

Francisco Castro is considered one of the best watercolorists internationally. His work technique is simple, direct and synthetic, ideas that are perfectly transmitted through his clear and concrete teachings. In this course, the Spanish author will show his working method that leads him to create works of great visual impact, where forms come to life through simple strokes, and the atmosphere becomes a leading element.

Francisco Castro will carry out two complete exercises, from beginning to end, starting in one of the cases with previous notes and a pencil drawing on the final paper.
We will can work in a large format and we will learn to face a large-scale work. Sometimes it is dizzying to start a large work and with Francisco we will see how simple it can be. We will solve and give our watercolor the definition and freshness we are looking for. Having learned the technique, we will can apply it to both medium and small formats if we wish.

If you already have experience in the watercolor technique, you will undoubtedly find a lot of tips, techniques and tricks that you can incorporate into your works. For those who have just started or are planning to do so, the course incorporates all the necessary information that will help you take a great leap in quality in your work.

Through 9 videos of 3 and a half hours we will see:

  • Materials, brushes, stirrers, supports for mixing and other utensils.
  • Large format support. Preparation. Minor format differences.
  • Sketches and preliminary notes and their importance for the final composition.
  • Color palettes, transparent and opaque colors. “Paper lights”.
  • Two large-format examples made from start to finish whose motifs are a garden and a snowy landscape.

Student comments


    Me ha gustado el curso, su forma de enseñar es muy clara y honesta…

  2. Paloma

    Excelente pintor y magnífico maestro. Este curso es una gran oportunidad de poder aprender a realizar trabajos de gran formato en acuarela, el saber utilizar los materiales adecuados y la técnica apropiada para dar ese paso, muy didáctico y completo.

  3. susanalanau

    Maestro de la pintura. Curso donde se combinan talento, técnica y elegancia. Composiciones originales, arriesgadas, poco convencionales, creadas y tratadas con inteligencia e intuición y que definen el estilo tan personal del artista. Dominio absoluto de la técnica sin alardes innecesarios. El proceso está expuesto de forma muy didáctica y clara.

  4. megacarmen@telefonica.net

    Fantástico. El mejor acuarelista de España

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Purpose of the courses

During this course you will learn to make works in watercolor on paper of different themes.

Who these are for?

This course is aimed at painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the field of watercolor painting, especially in the field of landscape.


Personal computer or tablet to view the videos. It is also possible to use a smartphone, although we recommend larger screen sizes to better appreciate details. On the other hand, everyone will be able to use the preferred material (watercolors palette, brushes, higher or lower quality paper ...) to carry out the practices. During the first part of the course, Francisco Castro will make some fundamental recommendations.

The materials, we reiterate, are recommended. The tutorial can be done without all the materials or in formats other than those oriented in the tutorials.

The important thing is to practice, practice and re-practice the exercise proposed by the artist.

Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.

About the artist

Francisco Castro

Francisco Castro

Spanish painter (Montilla - Córdoba, 1971)

Francisco Castro studied Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. He is currently one of the greatest exponents of watercolor in the world.

Throughout his career he has worked in various plastic activities until the moment when he decided to dedicate himself fully to painting.

Seasoned in speed painting competitions, his works in the watercolor technique represent the soul of the places he visits. Hence, he unites color and atmosphere in his proposals; that he integrates into a whole where the synthesis of motive prevails. An objective for which the use of watercolor is ideal.

Francisco Castro defines himself as a figurative painter who practices atmospheric realism.

His proposals from him have been distinguished with different awards. Among them, the Medal of Honor of the BMW national painting award stands out, one of the most prestigious awards in the national creative scene; and the International Prize for Sports Painting.