A course by Fermín García Sevilla

Painting natural landscapes

Know all the steps to make a landscape in a natural environment from start to finish.

Total rating: 5 (43)people

628 students
In SpanishEn Español
Subtitles: EnglishIn English
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 59.95€.Current price is: 27.95€.
  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Materials and utensils. The color palette.
  • 3. First stains with acrylics.
  • 4. Start with oils.
  • 5. The second term.
  • 6. The lights of the midtones.
  • 7. The shadows of nearby areas.
  • 8. Nearby area lights.
  • 9. Final touches and close details.
  • 10. Farewell.
  • Total length: 3h. 42' 21"

In this course, the painter Fermín García Sevilla offers us first-hand much of his knowledge and techniques that lead him to be considered one of the best landscape artists of the moment.

He will carry out a work from start to finish in the beautiful natural environment of Laguna de Ruidera, in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, where he will show his love for Nature applied to his other great passion: painting.

Through 9 videos of more than 3 and a half hours we will see:

  • Materials, brushes and other utensils.
  • The observation of the environment and the assessment of the nuances in the natural landscape.
  • Adaptation to different lights and shades depending on the time of day.
  • Application of the first stains.
  • The aerial perspective in the application of the different landscape terms.
  • The tonal evaluation of lights and colors.
  • Representation of the atmosphere and space.
  • Modeling of shapes in nearby areas and details.

Student comments

  1. casitapapel

    Clase magistral de los colores y de las formas. Técnicas especiales para la profundidad y volúmenes que dan mayor naturalidad a las imágenes del natural. Un gran divulgador y un mejor maestro.

  2. ricardomorana51

    Excelente curso.La sensibilidad y el concepto pedagógico que nos envia este gran Maestro en cada aclaración, deja muestra de humildad y dedicación. La forma calma y transparente de explicar cada detalle pictórico,(material, luz y sombra, técnicas y sobre todo la debida mezcla de colores)son los puntos principales que todo alumno desea poseer. Agradezco a usted maestro Fermín por su gran amabilidad y a todo el grupo Blurone.

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Purpose of the courses

During this course you will learn how to make a natural landscape from start to finish starting the first stains with acrylic paint to continue with oil paints.

Who these are for?

This course is aimed at painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the field of landscape painting.


This course is aimed at painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the field of landscape painting.

Computer personal or tablet to view the videos. It is also possible to use a smartphone, although we recommend larger screen sizes to better appreciate details.

The materials, we reiterate, are recommended. The tutorial can be done without all the materials or in formats other than those oriented in the tutorials.

The important thing is to practice, practice and practice again the exercise proposed by the artist.

Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.

About the artist

Fermín García Sevilla

Fermín García Sevilla

Spanish painter ( Tomelloso, Ciudad Real 1961)

He is a self-taught plastic artist who has developed his work in the reproduction of natural landscapes. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards and has been distinguished with many other awards. Among them, the following stand out: First prize in the National Contest of the Alpujarras in Capileira (Granada) in 2014; the First National Prize “Autonomous City of Melilla” in 2010; or the "Sevillian Endesa Foundation" Award from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungary in Seville in 2009, to mention just three of those awards.

The landscapes that Fermín García Sevilla paints are spaces that he recreates without losing detail but that envelop the viewer as if it were a single and indivisible whole. And it is that in his proposals the artist pays special attention to the distribution of the elements so that they guide the gaze of those who contemplate it, following a logic that turns the work into a close and friendly discourse.

In his work, García Sevilla uses a mixed technique, although with a preponderance of oil, which allows him to get the most out of drawing and color. In all of his proposals, the suggestive brushstrokes and the play of light stand out. His themes drink from the very Nature that he knows as experience, a fact that makes his paintings seem alive.