A course by José Dodero

Alla prima portrait

Learn to use different plastic resources to achieve a personal portrait

Total rating: 4.92 (25)people

153 students
In SpanishEn Español
Subtitles: EnglishIn English
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 59.95€.Current price is: 26.95€.
  • Materials, brushes, support, treatment.
  • The color palette based on warm tones. Creation, composition and application of cold tones with black and white. Tonal variations applied to the portrait.
  • Male portrait with natural light. Reduced palette of 6 colors: white, Naples yellow, vermilion, scarlet lacquer, burnt umber and black.
  • Female portrait with high light contrast. Reduced palette of 5 colors: white, yellow ochre, cadmium red, burnt umber and black.
  • Analysis, advice and conclusions
  • Total length: 7h. 39' 12"

José Dodero is an artist who< goes against the current, a creator who distances himself from prevailing ways and trends, recovering a way of painting that is more typical of Zurbarán or Velázquez than of the early 20th century.

With this course we will address the special way of working on the portrait of Dodero, which is part of classical figuration, continuing with the plastic line of traditional artists in the history of Spanish painting. Hence, when working on his works, the artist is inspired by the great figures of painting such as Velázquez, Vermeer or Zurbarán.

More specifically, in this course you will see:

  • Materials, support, fit and primer.
  • The color palette: use of warm tones and black and white to achieve all its ranges.
  • Control of tonal values, transition zones, cool-on-cool work.
  • Exemplification of color gradients, dark intensification and balance of light and shadow.
  • Male portrait based on the deployment of a reduced palette of 6 colors.
  • Female portrait based on the use and implementation of a reduced palette of 5 colors.

Student comments

  1. pilar12


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Purpose of the courses

During this course you will learn pictorial procedures and techniques using a portrait as a theme.

Who these are for?

This course is aimed at painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in the field of painting in general and portraiture in particular.


Personal computer or tablet to view the videos. It is also possible to use a smartphone, although we recommend larger screen sizes to better appreciate details. On the other hand, each one can use the preferred painting material to carry out the practices, although we recommend canvas or wood for the support and oil to paint.

The materials, we reiterate, are recommended. The tutorial can be done without all the materials or in formats other than those oriented in the video.

The important thing is to practice, practice and practice again the exercise proposed by the artist.

Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.

About the artist

José Dodero

José Dodero

Spanish painter (Cádiz 1989)

Dodero has had essential training in the Academy of C. Escobar for ten years in drawing and painting and later self-taught in the study of works between the XV and XVII centuries.

His work has focused in recent years on the portrait and the human figure, although previously and currently also combining landscape and still life. His interest in classical techniques and the study of the works of painters such as Velázquez, Ribera or Van Dyck has made his technical application one of the main reasons for his work. In recent exhibitions, technical issues making references to Baroque or Renaissance works have been the main reason for his work.

His work is thoughtful and honest and leaves nothing to chance. Hence, this course is of great duration and is full of numerous details and explanations.

Dodero is an artist who develops through reflection, who seeks the artist's empathy with his works. He prefers that the viewer enters the spiritual spaces of art, thus enjoying the sensation of entering as an intruder in a very private sphere, in a very interior world. All his work is impregnated with a latent spirituality