A course by Santiago Pina

Retrato realista a lápiz de principio a fin

Realiza un retrato realista a lápiz de principio a fin para obtener un resultado profesional.

Total rating: 5 (5)people

36 students
In SpanishEn Español
100% online. Unlimited access. HD 1920x1080.
Original price was: 59.95€.Current price is: 27.95€.
  • Presentación.3'33"
  • Unidad 1: Materiales. Lápices. Gomas. Papeles. 5'35"
  • Unidad 2: Primeras líneas. Proporciones. Contrastes. 17'19"
  • Unidad 3 y 4: Rango de tonos. Sombras. Luces. Brillos. 33'48"
  • Unidad 5. Cabellos. Volúmenes. Iris y pupila. 21'15"
  • Unidad 6 y 7: Ojos. Unificación de tonos. Transiciones. Contrastes. 44'55"
  • Unidad 8 y 9: Cuello. Texturas, contornos y temperatura. 43'28"
  • Unidad 10: Énfasis en las sombras. Detalles finales. 09'12"
  • Despedida: 2'17"
  • Duración total: 3h. 01' 22"

Santiago Pina es un artista que a través de sus obras nos evoca el más puro estilo del retrato clásico. Su conocimiento, puesta en práctica y desarrollo de la técnica del dibujo viene derivado de su profunda labor de investigación sobre el proceso de los grandes maestros de la pintura a lo largo de la historia.

Conoce con maestría los cánones, la perspectiva, la correcta composición y el  dominio de la línea que le permiten jugar con los contornos del rostro ofreciendo un exquisito equilibrio de luces, sombras, saturación y contrastes.

Referente de la nueva figuración española actual, su obra posee una impronta y personalidad propias ya reconocibles. Un sello propio, académico y moderno que dejan en evidencia su robusta seña de identidad.

En este curso online a lo largo de 3 horas de duración, Pina enseñará todo su proceso para realizar un retrato realista a lápiz de principio a fin.

De manera más concreta en este curso podrás ver:

  • Materiales. Lápices, papeles y recursos varios.
  • Primeras líneas, proporciones, contrastes y rango tonal.
  • Luces, sombras, brillos e importancia de los medios tonos.
  • Equilibrio en la composición. Transiciones, texturas y contornos.
  • Trabajo de ojos, cabello, cuello y valor de la simetría.
  • Unificación, volúmenes, temperatura y detalles finales.

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Purpose of the courses

Durante este curso aprenderás a dibujar un retrato a lápiz de principio a fin

Who these are for?

This course is aimed at: painters, amateurs or professionals who want to know techniques, resources and procedures to learn, improve or develop their talent in urban landscape painting.


Personal computer or tablet to view the videos.

It is also possible to use a mobile phone although we recommend larger screen sizes to better appreciate the details.

On the other hand, you can use your preferred painting material to carry out the practices, although we recommend canvas or board for the support and acrylic for painting. The materials are recommended. The technique is easily transferable to oil painting on canvas, for example. The tutorial can be done without all the indicated materials, or in formats other than those suggested in the video.

Operation of BLURONE courses

All BLURONE courses are taught online and pursue the same objective: to achieve training without interruptions and that suits you.

Videos made by professionals who will explain their techniques and knowledge so that you, whenever you want, can learn and enhance all the skills and abilities you have to achieve the goal.

BLURONE courses can be seen again and again, at the time you want and in the place you choose. You are the one who marks the times and work.

About the artist

Santiago Pina

Santiago Pina

Santiago Pina. Zaragoza, 1998

Santiago Pina, despite his short career and age, demonstrates his deep commitment to his work and to what it means to do things well. He has participated in several exhibitions in Spain and Europe. He completed the complete drawing and painting program at the Barcelona Academy of Art in just two courses, an unprecedented time. He has also taught at the Madrid Academy of Art in its inaugural course, although he is currently focused on his career as an artist.

Focused on the research and development of his oil work. The portrait is a technique that he handles perfectly.

he has participated in individual and collective exhibitions in Barcelona, Madrid and Milan. He highlights the honorable mention (2022) obtained in the Mod Portrait contest and the honorable mention of Sheng Xinyu Art Painting (2022)